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Scientific Research - From Colds To Cancer
A new study shows that people with low levels of vitamin D are more likely to catch colds or flu. Vitamin D is found in milk, eggs, cheese and beef. 10 minutes of sunlight helps the body produce Vitamin D naturally. Unfortunately the cover up that we are all doing these days so we don't get skin cancers is depleting us of this essential vitamin. The daily intake is between 5-15 micrograms depending on your age.
Vitamin D also helps with the immune system. A study done on Vitamin D and respiratory infection in over 18,000 people aged 12 and over. This showed that cold and flu injections are needed more in people who had low Vitamin D levels and they were 36% more likely to get sick. It also showed they were vulnerable to this all year and the study was even more conclusive in people with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (COPD). However further research is needed to see just how Vitamin D can help prevent infection.
Another Vitamin important in colds and flu is Zinc. It also helps with your skin. To see if you're Zinc levels are low see your neuropath for a Zinc test. They will give you a Zinc test liquid to drink and depending on how it affects your taste buds they will be able to tell you how deficient you are. If you are Zinc deficient it is important to start taking it immediately especially if you are male. Australia seems to have low levels of Zinc in our water which is why we have such high incidence of prostate cancer.
A report from the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research says that about 1/3 of our most common cancers are preventable by having a healthy lifestyle. Cancer is now one of the highest causes of death surpassed only by heart disease in the USA. I's estimated 9,000,000 deaths will occur by 2015. That's a lot of dead people. So what can you do to keep yourself safe?
The researchers say that balancing exercise, healthy weight, and nutrition can prevent many types of cancers. This is what the natural therapists have said for years. It was also found that from the standpoint of the general population prostate cancer and liver cancer are the hardest to prevent followed by bladder cancers, kidney cancers and lung cancers. The easiest cancer to prevent is endometrial cancer, oesophageal cancer, cancer of the mouth, pharynx and larynx. This was closely followed by stomach and bowel cancers, pancreatic cancer and breast cancer.
These results do not take the individual into account however and both organisations that did the tests say that there is no way to completely eliminate the risks. The report goes on to say how important it is for the government, workplaces and schools to also encourage healthy lifestyles by promoting good OH&S, provisions for exercise, healthy canteens etc. A further study shows that Vitamin B can also help prevent macular degeneration.
The study was done by the National Institute of Health and published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. It tested 5,205 women older than 40 who did not have signs of macular degeneration. The outcome was that the women in the supplementation group had a 34% lower risk of developing macular degeneration compared to those in the placebo group. This was observed about two years after treatment started. It was found that the B Vitamins lowered blood levels of homocysteine which is linked to coronary artery disease and damaged blood vessels.
The gist of this is to take your vitamins and stop whingeing. I often have people say they can't take so many natural supplements. The bottom line is that you only have two choices. Take the natural supplements to try and raise your immunity and be healthier by undoing the neglect you have been practicing over the years. Eat right, exercise, drink enough water, get enough sleep OR ignore the above and take the drugs when you are already suffering. Either way you are taking pills. Unfortunately there are no magic wands regarding our health.
By Jenetta Haim
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